Sunday 26 April 2015

DIY Lipscrub ~ Bubble Blossom Blog

Hey Guys,

Today I'm going to be showing you how to make a DIY lipscrub. Enjoy ! 

Step 1 : 

Take a tbsp of Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly and put it into a bowl. 

Step 2 : 

Add in one and a half tablespoons of sugar to the bowl. The amount of each ingredient depends on how much you want to make , basically add in each ingredient at a 1 tbsp vaseline to 1 1/2 tbsp of sugar ratio. 

Step 3 : When you've made your desired amount of lipscrub , scoop it into a small container . Make sure it is tight and compact so it solidifies faster. 

Step 4 : Place your lipscrub into the fridge for 30 mins for it to become solid. 

Step 5 : Experiment ! Try this out with food colouring etc . This is a very basic recipe , so make it your own ! 

I hope you enjoyed this recipe , I'll see you next week 

Bye , xx

Saturday 18 April 2015

Update & NEW SCHEDULE ~ Bubble Blossom Blog

Hey guys , 

As you can see by the title , Today I'm going to be announcing my new schedule for posting. As a lot of you are probably aware , where I live it is currently my last term at school , and last term usually means exams :( Because of exams , I haven't had time to post during the week last week . Sorry about that ... 

Anyway , my new schedule is back down to once a week , with no set day . I will just post on here once a week whenever I'm not too busy with school stuff . Don't worry , my schedule will be back to normal , (every Saturday and a random weekday) when my exams are finished. 

Thank you for understanding and I will see you during the week . 

Bye xo


Saturday 11 April 2015

Value Stores ...Do they really work ? #2 - Soaps ~ Bubble Blossom Blog

Hey everyone , 

Back in January of this year I created a series where I review Value Store Products and see if they work as good as / better more expensive products on the market . It is now April and I am only doing part 2 of the series now . I have decided that because my blog has changed so much since January I am going to change the schedule of these posts. I have decided that I will post one per season and then additional between the seasons if needed . I hope that everyone is okay with that. I also want to say that a few weeks ago a reader of mine requested a camera review of the camera I got for Christmas. Don't worry I haven't forgotten to do it . I am just trying to explore all of the features of the camera before I review it . 

Sorry about that rant , now I will get onto the main subject of this post . Today I am reviewing some soaps from the value store Tiger , which I know for definite is a store that exists in Ireland and the UK , but I don't know if it exists in other countries . 

Let's Get Started ! 


The soaps look exactly like regular bars of soap , the only real difference is that there is no brand logo "engraved" into it .  (eg .Dove , Nivea)


These soaps are reasonably good quality , especially for the price . The scents are really strong which is good . The only bad thing I have top say about these soaps is that I felt that I had to use quite a lot of the bar of soap to create a reasonable amount of suds on my hands . I didn't find this too much of an issue because they are so cheap. They didn't harm my skin whatsoever . 


These soaps are extremely inexpensive - perfect for anyone using pocket money or is on a budget etc .  In Ireland they cost 2 bars of soap for €1 , so in the UK I presume they are near enough the same price.

Choice in the range 

I think that this is the best aspect of this product . They had so many different scents in the store that I was spoiled for choice . My personal favorites were the plum soap and the citrus soap . The other choices in the store I was in were : 
Lavender , milk , strawberry , orange and apple.

I really recommend trying out these soaps . They are really good value and quality. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you during the week . 

Bye xo 

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Best Friend Tag ~ Bubble Blossom Blog

Hey Guys , 

Yesterday my best friend Aoife and I did "The Best Friend Tag " . I wasn't planning on making it into a blog post , but I feel that the questions and answers we asked each other were too good not to share. I am going to split the tag into two separate posts , because I think that it is going to be too long to do in one post.  The way it will  work is : In this post I will be doing the questions Aoife asked me and my answers. The other post (which will be in a few weeks ) will be vice versa. 

Let's Get Started !


Q1 Aoife asked : If I could go anywhere in the world , where would I go ? 

I honestly had to think so hard about this question because I had no idea. After a lot of thinking Aoife gave me 2 clues: 
-In America 

Still I had NO IDEA !! I just said Florida , don't ask me why , I just had no  idea . 

Answer : Hawaii for surfing ... D: 

I was really annoyed at myself that I didn't think of that , my brain went totally blank !

Q2 Aoife asked : If I won the lottery , what's the first thing I'd do ? 

I answered "decorate your house / bedroom " 

Answer :  Go shopping !!! 

Okay , I kind of agree .. :)


Q3 Aoife asked :  If you and I ate out at a restaurant , what would I eat ? 

I answered : "Pizza "  To be honest , this was pretty easy because Pizza is Aoife's favourite food .

Answer:  Pizza and chips 

I wasn't surprised I got this right because I was quite confident on my answer ;)


Q4 Aoife asked : What's my biggest goal ? 

I answered "To travel the world "  . Aoife talks about this a lot so I thought I had the right answer . 

Answer : To go to College 

Q5 Aoife asked :  Describe me in one word (Aoife wrote down the word she thought I would describe her with)

I answered : " Crazy !! "

Answer : Crazy ! 

I knew Aoife would answer that because to be honest we both are !! 


I had so much fun doing this tag with Aoife .  Thanks Aoife for taking part ;) Also , I would like to tag Becky @ to do the tag :) 

I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you all on Saturday . 

Bye xo

Saturday 4 April 2015

Study Tips for Tests & Exams ~ Bubble Blossom Blog

Hey Guys , 

As today is the day before Easter Sunday , I know a lot of my readers will be going back to school soon from Easter break into the final term . Where my school is , last term usually means exams , and exams mean studying :( I decided that today I would share with you my top four tips for studying and keeping organised during exam times. 

Let's Get Started ! 

Tip one : 

I think that this is the best thing I have ever come up with to help me with studying. I basically use sticky notes to write a question about the exam subject on the front and then the answer on the back. I then stick them in places that I visit frequently - for example inside my bedroom drawers or on my laptop keyboard. This way I am constantly answering questions about the subject , therefore I am always refreshing my memory.

Tip two :

I created this binder to keep all of my tests , sheets and study notes together for when I need them . I divided the binder using subject dividers and wrote 2 or 3 subjects on each tab. I then placed 2 or 3 (depending on amount of subjects) clear plastic pockets between each subject divider and wrote titles on them as shown above. I then just slide my tests , sheets and notes etc. into the corresponding subject pocket. 

Tip 3 : 

The next tip is simple - keep your study space tidy ! I keep all of my stationery in these white containers from IKEA. Once again I apologise for the lighting - my room has terrible lighting for taking photos !

Tip 4 : 

This tip is similar to tip one , but I think flash cards are great for quickly going over stuff minutes before the test. I just write a question on one side and the answer on the other . Some times I write paragraphs about a certain topic on one side , flip it over and see how much I remember when I turn it over . 

I hope these tips helped anyone who is studying for tests/exams . Also , to anyone who celebrates Easter , Happy Easter ;)

Thanks for reading , 

Bye xo